From the President/CEO – August 2024

Greetings all!

Thank you for joining prayerfully, thoughtfully, and financially with ECHO to defeat hunger and improve lives all around the world!

We have a great edition of ECHO News for you this quarter, covering some of the amazing work happening through our four Regional Impact Centers with more to come yet this year! In this edition of ECHO News, you’ll learn more about our Director of Research and Publications, Dr. Tim Motis; hear about how the Basic Utility Vehicle that ECHO has helped to promote is opening up economic opportunities throughout Africa; learn of the impact of farm-made bioliquid fertilizers to improve soil health and lives; and of the importance of local and community seed banking for generations to come!

In addition to these updates, we have been hard at work publicizing our new 2024-2029 Strategic Framework, updating our social media presence (join us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn!), and getting the word out to the world about ECHO so that more lives may be touched here and now and for eternity.

It is an incredible privilege to lead an amazing group of men and women worldwide who are dedicated to defeating hunger and improving lives, motivated by the love of Jesus and a desire to glorify God through our professional work in agriculture.

Thank you for making our work possible as we support an amazing network of over 19,000 active development organizations, workers, and individuals worldwide!

I am grateful that God has been making the seeds of faithfulness grow for 43 years through ECHO!

Abram J. Bicksler, Ph.D., President/CEO



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