
Growing a Global Resource

At ECHO, we’re using technology as a force for good, to connect millions of people around the world. is a helpful, free resource that’s so much more than a website. Our platform helps support, connect, and inspire farmers, development workers, researchers, and missionaries from around the world. In the last year, more than 16,500 users representing 190 countries used ECHOcommunity’s site to access life-changing information.

Our platform provides:

The latest agricultural methods, information, and research.

Expert advice from ECHO’s Technical Response Unit.

Forums where farmers and development workers can ask each other questions and share their experience.

The ability to request free trial seeds.

ECHOcommunity is Going Mobile!

Missionaries and development workers may have internet access at home or in the office, but not when they are working with farmers.

“One of the most difficult challenges we have in doing this kind of work in Haiti is that there is VERY little internet.” –  Brian (Haiti)

ECHO’s mobile app will allow users to carry resources into the field and share that information with others even in remote villages when there is limited or no internet. 

With your financial support, we can complete this important project.

Users will be able to:
  • View and download ECHOcommunity resources, including selected PDFs and videos, for use in the field, villages or anywhere there is no internet connection
  • Share resources via email, messaging or services like AirDrop, which allows users to share and transfer files without need for the internet
  • Record seed trial data, with location, photos and questions, which they can upload to ECHO when internet is available
  • Send questions to ECHO’s Technical Response Unit (TRU)

With your financial support, we can complete this important project.

Want to see lives changed?