West Africa Impact Center

Our West Africa Impact Center, located in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, serves as a resource center and beacon of hope to one of the highest concentrations of poor nations in the world.

Why West Africa?

With nearly 400 million people living in the region, West Africa represents one of the highest concentrations of impoverished nations in the world. Agriculture is the dominant source of economy, and also represents the largest potential for growth and support.

Our third Impact Center, opened in 2014, the West Africa Impact Center has provided resources and training for thousands of small-scale farmers and their families.

Focusing on these three low-cost techniques – 21 day compost, homemade liquid fertilizer, and zai holes – ECHO trainings are yielding profound results in the lives of rural farmers across West Africa.

West Africa Impact

In Their Own Words

"My whole family enjoyed salad, onion, okra, and cabbage grown without chemical fertilizers.“
“I purchased two oxen and improved our family’s sanitary conditions.”
“Despite the poor rainfall I was able to harvest a part and with that I was able to buy a sheep.”

West Africa Impact Story

ECHO Multiplication Effect Video – Jean Apedoh (SRI)

Jean Apedoh is an agricultural trainer in Togo, West Africa. Through training and connections made at the first ECHO conference in West Africa, he has been instrumental is multiplying the ...



Asset 2

Conferences and forums for educating small-scale farmers

Asset 22

Regional workshops for technical training and networking

Asset 27

Hands-on trainings in rural, hard-to-reach villages​​

Asset 29

Technical support in response to farmers' questions

Asset 1

On-site consultations for organizations and individuals

Asset 3

The dissemination of important agricultural research and resources through ECHOcommunity

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