Seeds of Hope

Beyond providing tools and training, we’re providing the actual resources people need to grow a brighter future.

At ECHO Florida, we distribute more than 300 varieties of ECHO seeds to our network every year.

These seeds go to missionaries and development workers who are on the front lines of serving the hungry. We’ve also developed Seed Banks at our Asia Impact Center and East Africa Impact Center, offering free trial packets of hard-to-find seeds that thrive in their respective regions as well as specialized training in seed saving.

We’re creating a network of Community Level Seed Banks to increase food security and empower farmers with locally sourced seeds of the highest quality.

Our Seed Strategy

Our seed strategy works because we’re approaching agriculture differently. Here’s how:

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According to the United Nations, more than 75% of the world’s food supply comes from just 12 different crops. By focusing on underutilized seeds, we’re giving farmers more options that make sense for their environment.
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Small-scale farming is different than commercial production. Many farmers need to grow in rocky areas or drought-affected regions. We select seeds that can be used in a variety of difficult growing situations.
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Ultimately, sustainability is good for everyone who depends on the land. By teaching restorative methods and providing locally appropriate seeds that produce reliable crops, we’re helping people create a future that works with the land, not against it.
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Through our Seed Banks, workers and missionaries may request up to 10 free seed packets. These seed varieties can help families diversify their crops, improve nutrition and boost income.

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