
Everyone Deserves Nourishment and Dignity

Why Train Farmers?

Farmers are the world’s hungriest people. Most of the extreme poor live in rural areas, dependent on agriculture to feed their families.

More than 500 million farming families are relying on one or two acres to eke out a living. ECHO’s face-to-face, hands-on trainings provide scientifically proven information contextualized for small-scale farmers.

How We Train

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. First, our trainers listen to farmers, learning from their experiences and seeking to understand their specific challenges.

Our core training topics focus on key agricultural knowledge. A global team of regionally based and native-speaking trainers use their understanding of the culture, language and context. The result is adaptable and practical techniques that are helping families and communities feed themselves.

Building Resilience

Foundational knowledge and skills along with hands-on practical experience

Eggs in More than One Basket

Techniques to diversify crops improve nutrition, raise incomes, and help farmers weather prolonged droughts.

Eliminating Costly Inputs

Trainings on 21-day composting and homemade liquid fertilizer give farmers low-cost ways to improve soil fertility and boost production.

A Path Forward

Participatory trainings activate critical thinking and problem solving. Building confidence and capacity, farmers know the hope and dignity of providing for themselves.

Training the Boots on the Ground

From missionaries and Peace Corps Volunteers to local NGOs, we provide a broad spectrum of customized trainings to those on the front lines of serving the poor.

These trainings give special attention to:

  • Nurturing the principles of participatory engagement
  • Building foundational understandings of plants, practices, and appropriate technologies
  • Recognizing options and opportunities in community development
  • Gaining practical experience
Individuals Trained Last Year
More Women Trained Year Over Year
0 %
Of Trainees Share What They Learn With Others
0 %

Equipping indigenous churches, pastors and local schools

Hope spreads throughout communities as leaders are equipped with practical knowledge and skills to share. 

“The ball is now in our court to succeed. ECHO has given us so much.” –Daniel F., Head of a West Africa Bible Institute

A Variety of Global Learning Opportunities:

Hands-On Workshops

A deep dive into specific topics and techniques. From agroforestry, seed saving, small-scale livestock, bamboo construction and more, ECHO’s interactive workshops provide expert instruction and hands-on practice.

Conferences, Forums & Symposia

Annually, ECHO Florida and our Regional Impact Centers host a variety of learning opportunities. Each event gathers hundreds of missionaries, students, and practitioners together to share experiences, stories, and ideas with people who are passionate about equipping families with lasting hunger solutions.

Plenary Speakers

Presenting information from renowned experts in their field

Afternoon Workshops

Practical information taught by practitioners to practitioners

Evening Break-out Sessions

Hear about the newest and latest in research, lessons learned, and experiences from our staff and network

Foundational Courses at ECHO

Unique challenges occur when farming in the tropics where most of the world’s hungriest live. Week-long courses, held throughout the year at ECHO Florida and ECHO Asia help participants gain an understanding of the foundational principles that guide farming and community development work in the tropics. ECHO’s demonstration and research farms allow trainees the opportunity to see techniques and principles in action.

ECHO Internships

Our 1-year internship equips college graduates with the academic theory and practical skills related to agriculture and community development. This year helps prepare interns to serve as international missionaries and development workers. After 1 year at ECHO, interns may have the opportunity to participate in a 6-month field experience at one of ECHO’s Regional Impact Centers.

Gain hands-on experience with small-scale agriculture, appropriate technology, and small animal husbandry.

Other Opportunities

If you are interested in any of these opportunities to engage with ECHO please email us at