Video Trainings Cross Closed Borders

In Myanmar, a recent study showed that few farmers have received any formal training on pig or poultry farming. In some communities, knowledge about animal diseases is limited and an outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) — a severe viral disease — is currently present in Southeast Asia. So, when Samaritan’s Purse staff asked if ECHO could offer a pig rearing training for the communities they serve, the staff was eager to share their knowledge. ECHO Asia staff members Chao, Hanni, Patrick, and Toh collaborated to produce three hours of video demonstrations and presentations. The topics ranged from feeds and bedding to disease prevention and breeding. This set of on-demand training resources will be shared by Samaritan’s Purse Myanmar, supporting their initiatives among vulnerable people in many villages. The needs are great and the challenges more complex. The COVID pandemic has worsened food insecurity and caused an unprecedented impact on the most vulnerable population’s ability to afford food and other basic needs. Virtual trainings are helping ECHO continue to meet these needs across closed borders.

ECHO provides Hope Against Hunger through agricultural training, innovative options, and networking with community leaders and missionaries in 190+ countries. ECHO seeks to find agricultural solutions for families growing food under difficult conditions. ECHO’s international headquarters is located in Fort Myers, FL. To learn more, donate, or volunteer, visit




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